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Community of Practice

We're tired of sitting around tables talking about problems. Are you?


We propose an action-oriented Community of Practice. 
This brand new CoP will convene the local business community and other stakeholders in order to demonstrate the power of Collective Impact. While we're at it, why don't we re-write the veteran transition story entirely - care to join?


Two options to add value (come when you can, come to one, come to both!):

Maryland is ripe with talent coming through and out of our 15 military installations. Tapping into this born and bred cadre of leaders who remain primed and mission-ready has the potential to strengthen families, transform communities, fuel our local economy, ultimately save public and private resources, and set the stage for Maryland's future as THE most veteran and military friendly state in the country.


We're not asking you to be a part of a conversation because we're sure you'd agree that we've done enough talking. We're looking to build a creative Community of Practice committed to ACTION.


If you're a member of the local business community and are interested in leveraging your employee engagement goals, strengthening your veteran employee/affinity group initiatives, accessing battle-tested talent, and working TOGETHER to build stronger veterans and stronger communities, this CoP is for you. 


How might we best align visions, passions, skillsets, perspectives, business goals, and resources in order to position our veterans to CONTINUE to be the leaders this country trained them to be... and the leaders Baltimore needs?


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